NLSEB 2019
The Second Conference of the Netherlands Society for Evolutionary Biology (NLSEB), Tuesday 16 April 2019 in Akoesticum, Ede
With this yearly NLSEB conference, we aim to bring together scientists from all disciplines working on evolutionary questions, and build a broad community of evolutionary biologists based in the Netherlands.
Program (abstracts of all talks and posters can be found here)
09:00-09: 30 Arrival with coffee/tea
09:30-10:00 Guszti Eiben (Vrije Universiteit) “Evolution in wetware, software and hardware: what can we learn?”
10:00-10:30 Frietson Galis (Naturalis Biodiversity Center) “Developmental constraints and body plan evolution”
10:30-10:45 poster pitches
10:45-11:15 Coffee/tea
11:15-12:15 Parallel sessions I & II of contributed talks (Auditorium & Tuinzaal)
12:15-13:15 Lunch with network opportunities
13:15-14:30 Poster session
14:30-15:00 Geert Kops (Hubrecht Institute-KNAW) “Weird divisions: Evolutionary dynamics of eukaryotic kinetochores”
15:00-16:00 Parallel sessions III & IV of contributed talks (Auditorium & Tuinzaal)
16:00-16:15 Tea/coffee
16:15-16:30 Poster pitches
16:30-17:00 General assembly of NLSEB members
17:00-17:20 Musical intermezzo: “The Happy Face Spiders”
17:20-18:30 Poster session with drinks
18:30-18:35 Announcement poster prize winners
18:35-20:00 Dinner with optional round-table discussions
Conference fee for members 60 euros
Conference fee for non-members 80 euros
Conference fee includes coffee, drinks, lunch and dinner.
Annual membership fee of NLSEB is 40 euros. It is possible to sign up as member of NLSEB or continue your membership during the registration process. For signing up or continuing membership of NLSEB without attending the conference: also follow this link to the registration page.
Why become a member or continue your membership? Members can vote on who will be the board of NLSEB and will be on a mailing list that will keep you informed about conferences etc. But most of all, it will be support to a society that can represent evolutionary biology to funding agencies such as NWO and that will maintain an active community of evolutionary biologists in the Netherlands.
During registration you will be asked whether you plan to attend dinner or not, for organizational purpose.
Akoesticum in Ede, within easy walking distance of train station “Ede-Wageningen”, but also equipped with free parking space. For more information see: www.akoesticum.org/en/
The NLSEB 2019 Conference organising committee
Eveline Verhulst | Martijn Egas | Katja Peijnenburg | Marian Bemer | Bertus Beaumont | Sijmen Schoustra
e-mail: meeting@nlseb.nl
The meeting is sponsored by: