NLSEB is a non-profit organization. NLSEB board members are not paid for their activities.
The fiscal code of NLSEB (RSIN) is 858413760.
Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel): KvK 70665397
Here you can find the formal Constitution of NLSEB (in Dutch), signed 17 January 2018, and here the ByLaws.
ANBI status
Establishment of NLSEB
On the 17th of January 2018, the Netherlands Society for Evolutionary Biology was officially established in Wageningen. The founding board, consisting of Marcel Visser (President), Sander van Doorn (Secretary), Jacintha Ellers (Treasurer) and Nico van Straalen (board member), signed the constitution at the notary’s office. Frank Bruggeman, also a member of the Founding Committee, could not be there but acts de facto as the fifth board member. At the first NLSEB meeting, on the 11th of April, the first board of NLSEB will be elected.
The establishment of NLSEB is a historical event for the field of evolutionary biology in the Netherlands, as now for the first time the strong and diverse Dutch research on evolutionary processes are united in a national society. We will celebrate this event with a drink at the NLSEB meeting 11 April. Join us there to toast with us!
The founding board with the constitution
The constitution is signed by Marcel Visser