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NLSEB 2024

The NLSEB 2024 PhD/postdoc and main meetings took place on Monday, April 22nd at Wageningen University and on Tuesday April 23rd at Akoesticum in Ede respectively. With more than 100 members and guests attending, the meetings brought our growing community together once again. 

The PhD/postdoc meeting offered workshops on "Getting a grip on supervising students" (hosted by Marieke van Schaik)

and "Principles of great design for science communication" (hosted by Peter Moore Fuller graphic designer and course provider at Infohackit).


At the main NLSEB main meeting, participants could attend plenary talks by plenary talks by Rosemary Gillespie (Berkeley), by Liliana D’Alba (Naturalis) by Tom Shimizu (AMOLF) and by the winner of the 2023 Netherlands Evolutionary Biology Prize 2023 Shixiong Cheng (Leiden University). There were further parallel sessions with 18 short talks, poster presentations, a cultural intermezzo by DansBlock, and time to socialize and to network (see the 2024 programme for all the details).



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